Friday, February 26, 2010

it's 12:28 am. friday.

i've been in bed since 5:30 pm. thursday.

i am battling...a cold!! theraflu, shitload of vitamin C!, and i even gave myself an olive oil and cayenne pepper foot massage. my sinuses will be cleared now :)

the trombonist cleaned his living room. i couldn't resist taking pictures of this snazzy room. and yes, we are always on the dance move. i love this house. and its inhabitants. good times.

i'm listening to itunes on shuffle. i love it. currently, mussorgsky is playing. it is intensely snow storming outside. it is a good evening to stay home ☃

time for a 1 am bowl of cereal, i'm excited. then episode 32 of soul eater. it is getting intense. you really feel for the characters. its becoming mind trickology and the like.

(by the way, i can once again breathe through my nose. success! i in no way feel like posting anything substantial and weighty today. we'll see about tomorrow.)


Posted by Posted by illusion at 2:32 AM
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